Our School

Tildarg Primary School (Ballyclare)
Tildarg Primary School is a small, controlled, rural school situated in close proximity to Ballyclare, Ballynashee, Ballyeaston, Burnside, Kells and Broughshane. Established in 1823, the school traditionally attracts pupils from these areas and the surrounding farming community.
The staff consists of a teaching principal, three class teachers, three classroom assistants, a secretary, dinner lady and building supervisor. In addition we have the services of four peripatetic music teachers for guitar, strings, woodwind and brass, and piano. We are pleased that Governors, and a few grandparents, also play a practical role in the day-to-day running of our school by providing small group reading support, sports coaching and help with our Toddler group.
The accommodation comprises of five classrooms, and extensive class libraries. We recently had an extension which doubled the school in size, including a new hall, servery, hygiene room, toilets and state of the art classroom.

We aim to:
- Make our school a happy, secure, and stimulating environment, providing opportunities for and celebrating success
- Develop each child intellectually, physically, emotionally and morally
- Promote responsibility, confidence, independence and self-discipline
- Deliver the NI curriculum in all its breadth and depth
- Promote liaison and co-operation between staff and parents
- Strive for the acquisition of a considered set of moral values based on Christian principles
- Develop in each child maturity, self-respect and tolerance
- Equip each child with the knowledge and skills necessary to be an active and fulfilled member of today’s society.
Tildarg Primary School, 6 Tildarg Road, Ballyclare, Co Antrim BT39 9JU
Phone: 028 9332 3948 | Email: info@tildargps.ballyclare.ni.sch.uk | Twitter: @TildargPrimary